Saturday 6th September 2025
Who was racing in 2024
Random selection
A random selection of family and friends who focus on taking part
Bourne Water Dragons
Bourne Water Dragons is a male/female cancer survivor crew based on the River Stour near Christchurch, Dorset. We offer our Dragons, moral, emotional, support and a exciting sport where they can, improve on their water skills, confidence in a friendly, beautiful environment where we offer support, camaraderie and care whenever our crew needs to reach out. We aim to improve on our position from last year coming second in the finals. Ultimately we are here for a fun time in a special time! Come on Bourne Water Dragons!! We are here and down and ready!!!
VideoCentric Dragons
Company Team from Wokingham hoping for a straight run down the Thames rather than sinking straight down to the botttom of the Thames
The local Cookham dad's team, and current cup holders!
Herries Mermaids
Herries Mermaids are back to fight another day!
The Oar-Some Caring Crew
A crew of dynamic homecare heroes swapping their uniforms for life vests and their care plans for paddles. With every stroke, they blend teamwork with a tidal wave of laughter, proving that caring and competitiveness make a thrilling combo.
The Bluebird Care Splash Squad
We are the Bluebird Care team from Reading, Wokingham, Maidenhead, Windsor, and Bracknell, and this year, we’ve decided to take on rowing for our team building exercise! With a mix of office staff and care assistants and absolutely no rowing experience, we’re jumping in for a challenge and a good laugh. Wish us luck!
Wave Walkers
Wave Walkers was set up to support anyone affected by cancer - survivors, carers, practitioners. We welcome anyone onto our boat and focus on wellbeing and friendship
Cookham Abbey Diggers
We're so lucky to have such an important archaeological dig on our doorstep here in Cookham where each summer we get to discover more information about the royal monastery that was here over 1,200 years ago. None of this would be possible without a magnificent team working very hard behind the scenes.
At this year's Cookham Regatta we'll be celebrating what has been achieved on the site next to Holy Trinity Church over the last few years, so we’ve invited some of the people who have made the dig possible to take part in the dragon boat race.
Our team includes Professor Gabor Thomas, Father Stephen Mills, Dr Nicola Stingelin, University of Reading members of staff and students and local volunteers and supporters.
xxx We're very grateful to all the amazing local businesses that have sponsored our entry - The Inn on the Green, and Salt Hill V
A big thank you also to Cookham Rotary Club for organising the Regatta and always supporting so many local charities. We’re so excited about rowing down the Thames on Saturday - it’s going to be so much fun!
Do come down and say hello & find out more about the dig - this is our shared local story at
This Way Up!
It will be unusual for us to see which way we are going but we we will be happy if we beat the FoCAs (Friends of Cookham Abbey)
Cardiac Arrest Team
Crew composed of Team members from Cardiac Rehabilitation and Heart Failure Team at Wycombe Hospital.
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