Saturday 6th September 2025
Advice to public and participants
Safety Officer Contact through Regatta Control
Fire precautions Fire extinguishers are available at Regatta Control and in the Tea Tent
First Aid Adjacent to Regatta Control
Within Regatta Enclosure
Please exercise sensible precautions, especially near the riverbank
Particular care should be taken by all spectators and participants to ensure the safety of other persons especially children
In the event of an incident Regatta Control should be contacted immediately, through whom a First-aider is available
All reported incidents, no matter how seemingly trivial, must be recorded in the log at Regatta Control
On the river
Participants are reminded that they must comply with the Regatta rules and the associated safety arrangements. Failure to do so will result in immediate disqualification
In the event of an incident the Safety Boats and Umpire's launch will render assistance. Any injured person will be taken to the Finish Pontoons and then handed to First Aid
Should an incident occur when racing is not in progress, persons in close proximity should render assistance. A safety boat should be sought immediately
Contact us
General regatta enquiries:
All race enquiries:
Stall, stand or plot enquiries:
Advertising enquiries: