Site guide

Site guide

(subject to change)

Cookham Moor, Cookham, Berkshire

There is plenty of free parking on the Regatta site.
Entrance is from The Pound (B4447) between Cookham High Street and Terrys Lane.
The nearest postcode is SL6 9SB
Cookham Railway Station is 10 minutes walk and has services from Maidenhead, Bourne End and Marlow

Local Area Map

Marsh Meadow, Cookham Moor

Marsh Meadow extending to fifty acres, is owned by Geoffrey Copas’ family who make it available as an Area of Public Open Space for the local community. It is also provided free of charge for charitable events such as the Cookham Regatta and Let’s Rock the Moor.

In order that Cookham residents feel involved in the management of Marsh Meadow, a Committee, made up from representatives from the District and Parish Councils and other local organisations, meets twice a year to review policy and management. Amongst other achievements the Marsh Meadow Management Committee have instigated the digging of a new trench to improve the flow of


water across the Cookham Moor to Maidenhead and the York Stream, have planted a number of newtrees and provided riverside benches. At the southern end of the meadow a new dedicated Conservation Area for local schools has been developed and this includes a large pond with dipping platforms. It is intended that the site previously used at the northern end of the Meadow should now be included within a larger area running either side of the railway to form a sanctuary. This will then be left undisturbed by man and it is hoped that the timid Water Vole might be encouraged to return to the Meadow

 Copas Farms and the Marsh Meadow Management Committee

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